
UCI-UCSD-UCLA Men’s Health Training for Urology Residents

March 15-16, 2019

Article: "UC3 (Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego) Partnering for Urology Resident Education"

Co-Course Directors:

Dr. Faysal A. Yafi, Assistant Professor, UCI

Dr. Tung-Chin (Mike) Hsieh, Associate Professor, UCSD

Guest Faculty:

Dr. Gamal Ghoniem, Professor, Vice Chair of Urology, UCI

Dr. Judy Choi, Assistant Professor, UCI

Dr. Michael Albo, Professor of Surgery, Vice Chair of Urology, UCSD

Dr. Jill Buckley, Associate Professor, UCSD

Dr. Thomas Fuller, Fellow, UCSD

Dr. Jesse Mills, Associate Professor, UCLA

Dr. Hossein Mirheydar, Urology, Kaiser Permanente

Maximum Capacity: 25


Through in-depth didactic sessions, attendees will learn the latest in prosthetic urologic surgery options, and management of complications associated with Advance sling and artificial urinary sphincter.

Learning Objectives

  • 1. Prepare and set up, as well as perform standard and complex procedures, and manage complications related to penile prosthesis surgery.
  • 2. Describe the indications, preparation, set-up, as well as how to perform standard and complex procedures, and manage complications related to artificial urinary sphincter surgery.
  • 3. Explain the indications, preparation, set-up, as well as how to perform standard and complex male urethral sling surgery.






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