
Resident/Fellow Preceptorship in Robotic Surgery

November 9-10, 2019

Course Co-Directors:

Dr. Thomas Ahlering, Professor, Vice-Chair, UCI

Dr. Roshan Patel, Assistant Professor, UCI

Guest Faculty:

Dr. Rene Sotelo, USC

Dr. Erik P. Castle, Mayo Clinic Urology, Arizona

Dr. Gamal Ghoniem, Professor, Vice-Chair, UCI

Dr. Greg Gin, Assistant Professor, UCI

Dr. Dena Moskowitz, Assistant Professor, UCI

Maximum Capacity: 25


This is a comprehensive state-of-the-art, intensive two-day course on the fundamentals of robotic surgery. The course will include in-depth didactic sessions, the latest in prostate, bladder, kidney & adrenal, female urology, re-constructive robotic surgery, and hands-on laboratory training in basic robotic surgical skills training using cadavers.

Learning Objectives

To provide the latest available robotic technologies and robotic surgical applications, and to get familiar with surgical outcomes, possible complications and management of these complications for younger professionals.







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