Dr. Jaime Landman & Dr. Ralph Clayman’s Curiosity and Innovation Laboratory


The Curiosity and Innovation Laboratory at UC Irvine is dedicated to the full breadth of discovery in the realm of minimally and noninvasive image guided surgery. To that end, the laboratory focuses on bench, in vivo, and clinical translational science. Projects vary from the most basic studies in materials for bioprosthetics to broad clinical studies involving patients with urolithiasis, upper tract obstruction and renal cancer. All laboratory studies have as their end goal, transition to the clinical realm for the benefit of humankind.

At any given time, upwards of 15-20 individuals are working collaboratively in the laboratory. Each project has its team leader with all other individuals working toward the success of that individual’s project. In this way, everyone in the laboratory is intertwined resulting in a highly productive synergy.

The output of the laboratory typically results in > 10 presentations at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association as well as a similar number of presentations at the World Congress of Endourology. Peer reviewed publications are typically 10/year.

The laboratory is also dedicated to education of the community at multiple levels – resulting in learning experiences for individuals from the high school to the postgraduate level. This interest in teaching extends to various studies involving crowd-sourcing and surgical skills’ evaluation.

Individuals who have participated in the Landman –Clayman laboratory have gone on to positons of academic prominence (24 fellows) and leadership (6 chairs of departments and 1 dean) in Urology throughout the world. Furthermore, the laboratory experience has been crucial to the subsequent matriculation of numerous undergraduates into medical school.

While Drs. Landman and Clayman are very much dedicated to the various ongoing studies (upwards of 50 at any given time), they are passionately devoted to the success of each individual who comes into the laboratory to learn, to discover, and to grow.

Peer-Reviewed Publications for the Landman-Clayman Laboratory: 2019-2020

  1. The Effect of Positioning on Ureteral Stone Retropulsion: “Gravity Works”. BJUI: 123: 113-117, 2019
  2. Multi-Institutional Evaluation of Producing and Testing a Novel 3D-Printed Laparoscopic Trainer.Urology 124: 297-301, 2019
  3. Pilot Assessment of Virtual-Reality Immersion Renal Models as an Educational and Preoperative Planning Tool for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. J Endourol. 33 (4): 283-288, 2019
  4. Evaluation of Urology Residency Training and Perceived Resident Competencies in the United States. Journal of Surgical Education 76(4): 936-948, 2019
  5. Development of a Pressure Sensing Device to Determine the Force Applied During Ureteral Access Sheath Deployment: Initial Testing in a Porcine Model. J. Endourol.: 33 (9): 712-718, 2019
  6. Comparison among Access Modalities in the Porcine Kidney. J Endourol 33(9): 719-724, 2019
  7. Successful Endoscopic Closure of Pyeloduodenal Fistula Using Over-the-Scope Clip. ACG Case Reports: 6(11) 2019;6:e00281. doi:10.14309/crj.0000000000000281. Published online: November 27, 2019
  8. Endockscope: A Disruptive Endoscopic Technology. J Endourology 33(11): 960-965, 2019
  9. A Technique to Flush Out Stone Fragments Through a Ureteral Access Sheath During Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery. J Endourol. Case Reports: 5(4): 161-163, 2019
  10. Prospective Randomized Comparison of Standard Hand Pump Infuser Irrigation vs. an Automated Irrigation Pump during PecutaneousNephrolithotomy and Ureteroscopy: Assessment of Operating Room Efficiency and Surgeon Satisfaction. J. Endourol: 34: 156-162, 2020
  11. Evaluation of a Novel Stone Protocol Diuresis Enhanced Non-Contrast Computerd Tomography (DRINK) Protocol for Collecting System Distention and Characterization. J Endourol 34(3): 255-261, 2020
  12. Smartphone Technology and its Applications in Urology: A Review of the Literature. World J Urol. 2019;10.1007/s00345-019-02960-y. doi:10.1007/s00345-019-02960-y [published online ahead of print, 2019 Oct 9].
  13. Ureteroscopic Doppler Ultrasonography: Mapping Renal Blood Flow from Within the Collecting System. J. Endourol. 2020;10.1089/end.2019.0884. doi:10.1089/end.2019.0884 [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 28].
  14. Characterization of Intracalcyeal Pressure during Ureteroscopyin press(World J Urol.)
  15. Surface-Treated Pellethanes: Comparative Quantification of Encrustation in Artificial Urine Solution. J Endourology 2020;10.1089/end.2020.0097. doi:10.1089/end.2020.0097 [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 22]
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