Very professional, the staff was very nice and helpful in my situation. Glad I made the appointment here because they wasted no time in getting me the information I needed.
You couldn't ask for a better staff. They are courteous, helpful and really know their stuff.
Thank you Doctor Ahlering for giving me the potential for a future. Your leadership and skill is reflected throughout your wonderful caring team who navigated me through this phase of my journey and treated me as if I was one of your own family.
My recovery exceeded every expectation that I had. After the surgery I was basically pain free and only took 1 Tylenol tablet! I was able to walk at length couple of days after the surgery. I did not even feel weak as one expects after the surgery.
Very professional staff, I like the rapport that they build with their patients. I took my son in for a procedure and the medical assistants took me under their wings and explained every step of the procedure in detail. I couldn't had chosen a better facility.
I have been treated by Dr. Louie and have nothing but good things to say about it. He is friendly, knowledgeable and will answer all the questions posed. In other words he has good bedside manner.
Andyshea Afyouni is no stranger to the Department of Urology. At 16 years of age, Andyshea (left photo) was one of the first students in our Summer Surgery Program and later went on to be a student mentor with the program before attending UCLA for his undergraduate education. After graduating UCLA Summa cum Laude in 2019, Andyshea dedicated a year to research in the Curiosity and Innovation laboratory with the mentorship of Drs. Ralph V. Clayman and Jaime Landman before matriculating into medical school in August 2020 at UCI School of Medicine.
Even with a busy medical school schedule, Andyshea has remained productive in the laboratory, and continues work including testing the safety and efficacy of ultrasound-guided renal mass biopsies in detecting small renal tumors, determining the safety of using new thulium fiber lasers for stone lithotripsy and tissue ablation, and examining the global usage of the Department’s smartphone endoscopy technology, the Endockscope, among urologists from over 20 countries. Andyshea has presented at several conferences including the World Congress of Endourology in 2019, Western Section AUA in 2020 and will be presenting at both the American Urological Association and World Congress of Endourology annual meetings later this year.
In 2020, Andyshea was 1 of 15 national awardees of the prestigious American Urological Association (AUA) Summer Medical Student Fellowship for his work with Drs. Ralph Clayman, Jaime Landman, and recent graduated endourology fellow Dr. Pengbo Jiang on determining the benefit of sequential dilation prior to ureteral access sheath insertion for patients undergoing routine ureteroscopy. With the student stipend that was awarded to him from the AUA, Andyshea generously donated half of his stipend to the Department’s Fevus Landman Effort for Curiosity and Innovation Fund and was inducted as the youngest member of the UCI Urology Nautilus Club.
"I would not be where I am today without the unwavering support of Dr. Landman, Dr. Clayman, members of the Endourology research team, and staff here at the UCI Department of Urology. It is an incredible blessing and honor to have such compassionate and wise mentors that have been there for me since I was a young boy in the Summer Surgery Program and continue to support me as I navigate through medical school here at UCI. I have the highest level of gratitude and admiration for my mentors and colleagues within the Department of Urology and feel incredibly fortunate to be around individuals who constantly work to uplift and inspire me to be the best version of myself every day."
Dr. Alexander Korn was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1938 and escaped with his parents to Cuba on the last boat to be allowed to disembark before the tragic St. Louis. He arrived in the US in 1941 and after a series of schools in different countries, he graduated from City College of New York and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He completed his general surgery residency at Wadsworth UCLA in 1969 and while there became a lifelong Bruin fan. Dr. Korn achieved his dream of being a physician and surgeon, and practiced surgery in West Los Angeles where he was well-recognized as an outstanding surgeon. Upon retirement he found fulfillment as a volunteer clinical professor at UCSD where he developed a passion for surgical education.
After receiving care by the University of California, Irvine Department of Urology, Dr. Korn formed a tight professional bond and deep friendship with Dr. Jaime Landman. Partnering for their mutual passion for medical education, surgical innovation and clinical excellence, Dr. Korn has generously endowed the Korn-Landman LIFT scholar program which will assure annual support for a medical student LIFT experience in perpetuity.
The Leadership and Innovation Fellowship Training (LIFT) Program was established by Dr. Jaime Landman in 2012. Since inception, 17 medical students have been given an unparalleled surgical training, urologic research experience, lifetime partnerships within the field, and kick-started careers in becoming innovative surgical leaders.
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