
Congratulations Class of 2020


Chief Residents Graduates:

Dr. Martin Hofmann will be pursuing a postgraduate fellowship in urologic cancer at the renowned Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute at the Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Garen Abedi will be pursuing a postgraduate fellowship in urolithiasis, minimally invasive surgery, and robotics at the University of California – San Diego.

Fellows Graduates:

Dr. Shlomi Tapiero graduated his fellowship in Endourology with Drs. Landman and Clayman; he has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester.

Dr. Aron Liaw graduated his fellowship in Reconstructive Urology directed by Dr. Gelman; he has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor at Wayne State.

Dr. Archana Rajender graduated her fellowship in Female Urology directed by Dr. Gamal Ghoniem; she has accepted a position in her hometown at Essentia Health, North Dakota.

2020 Excellence in Teaching Awarded to Dr. Faysal Yafi


Jovelyn Cabungcal, RN, BSN receiving Supervisor of the Year award


Celebrating Our Nurses


Bittersweet farewell to our trusted billing resource and veteran staff member, Mrs. Christy Shanley. Retiring after 18 years. Your incredible dedication got us here, and we are so grateful.


Nothing but the absolute best in patient care & treatment.

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