
As is often the case, Dr. Ralph Clayman is prescient leading Urology into the future. Established 3 years prior to when COVID gripped the nation, UCI Urology had featured our Grand Rounds via ZOOM. In our present times of “virtual” learning, the UCI Urology “grandest” rounds have provided CME credits to upwards of 100 attendees from 29 states and 21 countries. We can host up to 300 participants. CME credits are tracked and provided to individuals who complete the electronic evaluation form. This is at no charge thanks to the generous support we have received from industry sponsors like Karl Storz Endoscopy America and our exhibitors to which we remain grateful.

The ZOOM Grand Rounds 2020-2021 academic year schedule, offers 31 ZOOM lectures by outstanding professors of Urology across North America in addition to outstanding lectures by our own UC Irvine faculty, fellows, and residents. Lectures are organized by topic and our annual schedule can help you select in advance the content you desire.

We are excited to introduce a new “grandest” rounds special program this year. UCI Urology will now offer a 3 part series of lectures entitled: “Legends Life Lectures.” In this regarding the “legends” series, we are delighted that three outstanding leaders (the legends) in our field will provide their personal insights on developing a successful career in Urology.

Nothing but the absolute best in patient care & treatment.

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