
Bladder disorders symptoms can be divided into two categories, irritative symptoms and obstructive symptoms.

Irritative symptoms result from some abnormality bothering the lining of the bladder, especially the most sensitive portion of the bladder, a triangular area called the trigone. Irritative symptoms reflect the bladder not working properly. When the bladder is irritated, it gives you the feeling that you must void frequently and urgently. You will have the feeling that you need to empty your bladder very often. And you may have a very strong urge to do so. Sometimes the urge is so strong that you may leak urine. These irritative symptoms can be a result of something inside the bladder irritating it, like a stone or a tumor, bladder infections, previous radiation to the pelvic area, or interstitial cystitis, an inflammatory condition that affects the lining of the bladder.


Obstructive symptoms are caused by a blockage of the flow of urine, making it difficult to empty the bladder. These problems cause a feeling of inability to empty the bladder or empty it completely. One may also feel that it takes a little time to initiate voiding, or the stream may stop and start or there may be dribbling afterward. These obstructive symptoms are most commonly due to an enlarged prostate but can also be due to scarring in the urethra tube, a stone stuck in the urethra tube, or a dropped bladder.

It is also possible to experience both sets of irritative and obstructive symptoms. Getting up at night to void, called nocturia, is the most frequent symptom complaint when you have an enlarged prostate. But it can be a symptom of both obstruction and irritation.


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