
Our manuscript published on May 27, 2020, in the World Journal of Urology is the first report of real-time measurement of intracalyceal pressure during ureteroscopy within a kidney.


Pressurized irrigation used during endoscopy allows the urologist to visualize and treat kidney stones. This is particularly important, as you need a clear field in order to use the smallest laser fibers (i.e. 200 microns) to break up stones and to use small basket type devices to entrap and remove the stone fragments. However, the concern is that pressurized irrigation could cause fluid backflow into the kidney, which could lead to an infection.

Utilizing a miniaturized pressure transducer commonly used for studying the heart, the UCI Kidney Stone Center researchers measured pressure within different parts of a human kidney for the first time in the world. This information will allow urologists to use pressurized irrigation more safely during ureteroscopy, which has the potential to reduce infections following kidney stone surgery, which is the most common type of surgery urologists perform in the United States today.

Learn more about our results: https://rdcu.be/b4sq7

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